Racebox Micro

The Hamamatsu C12880MA: An Affordable and Versatile MEMS Micro-Spectrometer

Are you looking for an affordable and versatile MEMS micro-spectrometer? If so, the Hamamatsu C12880MA is a great option to consider. This breakout board makes it easy to connect the Hamamatsu C12880MA to your system of choice, and it also has a super bright white LED for illuminating a target.

The Hamamatsu C12880MA An Affordable and Versatile MEMS Micro-Spectrometer

Hamamatsu C12880MA- Small Brief

The Hamamatsu C12880MA is a MEMS Micro-Spectrometer that detects wavelengths of light and their intensities. It is used to measure fluorescence responses and can be easily breadboarded or jumpered to any system of your choice.

The Hamamatsu C12880MA is a great choice for those looking for an affordable and versatile MEMS Micro-Spectrometer.

C12880MA Features

The Hamamatsu C12880MA is an affordable and versatile MEMS micro-spectrometer that can detect wavelengths of light and their intensities. It has a number of features that make it a great choice for your projects:

-It's Arduino-compatible, so it can be easily connected to any system of your choice.

-It has a super bright white LED for illuminating a target to possibly measure fluorescence responses.

-All power and signal pins are broken out, so you can easily jumper or breadboard it to any system of your choice.

C12880MA Uses

With the Hamamatsu C12880MA breakout board, you can measure the wavelengths of light and their intensities. This can be used for a variety of purposes, such as detecting colors and measuring fluorescence responses.

But that's not all! The breakout board also has a super bright white LED for illuminating a target. This can be really useful for examining fluorescence responses in detail.

So what are you waiting for? Get your hands on a Hamamatsu C12880MA breakout board and start experimenting!

C12880MA Compatible With?

You can use the Hamamatsu C12880MA with a variety of systems, including Arduino, Raspberry Pi, Banana Pi, and even your computer! It's an affordable and versatile MEMS micro-spectrometer that can detect wavelengths of light and their intensities.

Since all power and signal pins are broken out, you can easily jumper or breadboard it to any system of your choice. In addition to breaking out the C12880MA, the board has a super bright white LED for illuminating a target to possibly measure fluorescence responses. This makes it a great choice for students, hobbyists, and professionals alike. The Hamamatsu C12880MA breakout board has a super bright white LED on it. The LED is controlled by digital pin 6. When the pin is LOW, the LED is off. When the pin is HIGH, the LED is on.

The Hamamatsu C12880MA is a great MEMS micro-spectrometer for a variety of applications. But is there anything else you need to know about it?

The Hamamatsu C12880MA An Affordable and Versatile MEMS Micro-Spectrometer

Well, one thing you might be interested in is the white LED on the breakout board. This LED can be used to illuminate a target for measuring fluorescence responses. It's a really powerful light, and it's perfect for use in low-light situations.

So if you're looking for an affordable and versatile MEMS micro-spectrometer, the Hamamatsu C12880MA is definitely worth considering. The breakout board makes it easy to use with any system, and it has a bright white LED for illuminating a target.

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