Racebox Micro

Christmas Tree PCB with Raspberry Pi Pico Kit For Techie

A printed circuit board in the form of a Christmas tree called "Christmas Tree PCB" has surfaced on Kickstarter and is growing in popularity.

A printed circuit board in the form of a Christmas tree called "Christmas Tree PCB" has surfaced on Kickstarter and is growing in popularity.

The Christmas Tree PCB is an excellent tool for teaching programming as well as for making holiday decorations. The top of the tree-shaped board has a little hole, making it possible to use it as a Christmas tree ornament.


There are two varieties: "Snow," which employs a single-color LED on a whiteboard, and "Magical," which employs a full-color LED "WS2812B" with an integrated microcontroller on a green board. You may pick between the "Assembled," a finished item with all parts attached, and the "DIY Kit," which consists of a set of 9 LEDs, 9 resistors, or capacitors. It is advised to use the DIY Kit if you have a soldering iron.

Even non-programmers may enjoy learning how to control individual LEDs, including altering their brightness, color, and blinking pattern, thanks to the availability of an online user manual. If you update it, you may add an OLED display, a temperature sensor, and other things to it to make it bigger.

Snow PCB costs CAD 10, Snow DIY Kit costs CAD 25, Magical DIY Kit costs CAD 29, and Snow Assembled costs CAD 35 for the Christmas Tree PCB. It costs 39 Canadian dollars for Magical Assembled and 3800 Canadian dollars, respectively (about 29.92 USD). Delivery is anticipated in December 2022. The cost of shipping is seven Canadian dollars to USD (about 5.41 USD).

Crowdfunding for Christmas Tree PCB will run through November 22, 2022. Around 710 Canadian dollars (around 548 USD) have been gathered as of November 8, 2022, surpassing the goal of 500 Canadian dollars (about 384 USD).


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