Racebox Micro

Canonical provides the Ubuntu 22.04.1 Server image for the StarFive VisionFive V1 RISC-V SBC.

Canonical published Ubuntu 20.04/21.04 64-bit RISC-V images for QEMU and HiFive boards last year after working on RISC-V support for Ubuntu for a time. The StarFive VisionFive V1 RISC-V single board computer now has an Ubuntu 22.04.1 Server image that was just provided by the firm.

Canonical provides the Ubuntu 22.04.1 Server image for the StarFive VisionFive V1 RISC-V SBC.

While it is a positive development, Canonical added a disclaimer stating that "It is an early RISC-V developer access through Ubuntu 22.04.1" and that "The VisionFive V1 and other RISC-V platforms are nowhere near being Ubuntu-certified hardware."

The StarFive JH7100 dual-core RISC-V CPU, 8GB RAM, Gigabit Ethernet, HDMI output, four USB 3.0 ports, GPIOS headers, and MIPI CSI and DSI connections make the VisionFive V1 SBC a respectable development platform. It provides a decent compromise between the high-end (and rather pricey) HiFive Unmatched mini-ITX motherboard and the entry-level Allwinner Nezha single board computer, both of which are capable of running Ubuntu 22.04.1 with Canonical support.

The download page for Ubuntu 22.04.1 Server for supported RISC-V platforms also includes instructions on how to install the xfce4 desktop environment, which is quite sluggish without certain workarounds. Because so far none of the RISC-V processors have an integrated 3D GPU, Ubuntu Desktop will take longer. However, this is going to change since the VisionFive V2 SBC with StarFive JH1100 quad-core RISC-V GPU, which is expected to be unveiled on August 23 just before RISC-V Summit China, will have an Imagination IMG BXE-4-32 GPU.

Additionally, Canonical appears to be quite enthusiastic about the RISC-V ecosystem's potential, and the project seems to be a long-term one for the business:

By allowing developers and innovators to concentrate on their core applications without having to worry about the reliability of the supporting frameworks, Canonical hopes to establish Ubuntu as more than simply the go-to operating system for creatives and innovators.

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