Racebox Micro

DeepDeck is an open source, wireless macropad with 16 RGB buttons.

 DeepDeck is a wireless, fully-programmable, open-source ESP32 macropad with 16 RGB mechanical keys, two RGB rotary encoders, and hot-swappable RGB keycaps

DeepDeck is an open source, wireless macropad with 16 RGB buttons.

An ESP32 is used by DeepDeck, a novel new DIY macropad, to connect WiFi and Bluetooth for intriguing uses. Because macropads are a reasonably simple project for makers to complete and because they are quite useful. On your existing keyboard, you can employ key combination shortcuts, but a dedicated macropad offers a more streamlined experience and frequently offers more capabilities. However, DeepDeck is a novel new DIY macropad that uses an ESP32 to add Wi-Fi and Bluetooth. While most of the macropads we see connect to a computer via a USB connection.

DeepDeck first appears to be a stylish yet typical macro pad. Users may designate any of the 16 separate RGB-backlit keys to any function. But when you look closer, you'll see additional things that make DeepDeck stand apart from the competition. An extra control method is provided via a pair of rotary encoders. These rotary encoders allowed users to do a variety of tasks, including volume control, Photoshop zoom, code scrolling, and more. For feedback, those rotary encoders additionally incorporate RGB illumination. The 64 x 128 OLED screen is another option, and it offers an onscreen menu for settings or even activities like time monitoring.

DeepDeck is an open source, wireless macropad with 16 RGB buttons.

DeepDeck stands out, though, because of its usage of the Espressif ESP32 microprocessor. DeepDeck makes use of the Wi-Fi and Bluetooth radios that are included in the ESP32. Through the Bluetooth connection, users may connect DeepDeck to Windows or Mac PCs, Android smartphones and tablets, as well as iPhones and iPads. The source of power is a LiPo battery pack. Some really fascinating uses are made possible by the Wi-Fi connection. If a user is proficient in programming, they may link their DeepDeck to web services by using a number of APIs (Application Programming Interfaces). To publish Tweets, for instance, one might utilize their DeepDeck without a connection to a computer or smartphone. Alternatively, people may manage Spotify playback without the use of a computer.

When DeepDeck debuts on CrowdSupply, it will be offered as a DIY kit or a finished product. The DIY version lacks key switches and caps but comes pre-soldered. If you wish to pick your own switches and caps, that is your decision. You can replace key switches whenever you want since they are hot-swappable. Be sure to sign up for updates on the Crowd Supply page if you're interested in DeepDeck.

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